construction of a test



Achievement Test

Achievement test measures present proficiency, mastery and understanding of general and specific areas of knowledge. Achievement tests attempt to measure what and how individual has learnt, viz. his present standard of performance. Scores of achievement test indicate the academic status of the individual learner in different subjects as a whole or individually.

Any test designed to assess the achievement in any subject with regard to a set of predetermined objectives.

Type of test items


An item is the basic unit of interaction on a test. What we often call a test question is more properly known as an item, since it may not be worded as an actual question. The student's feedback is also more properly known as a response rather than an answer, but we won't get too particular on that point. Items can be written in various formats, including multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer, and essay. We will discuss some of these formats in another article. Since items are the actual points of interaction of students with the test, item quality is probably the most recognizable indicator of the overall quality of the test. High quality test items take time and effort to write, but are essential to a valid test. Items must test skills and knowledge of the subject at hand, not the student's test taking skills.

achievement testing

Criterion referenced vs Norm referenced test

Norm referenced test

Within the set of standardized tests, it is important to understand that there is a difference between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests. There is no difference between norm-referenced and standardized tests. While both tests are standardized, norm-referenced tests measure and rank test takers to each other. A test taker’s score is compared to the ‘norm’ of similar test takers and may be expressed as a percentile, grade equivalent or stanine. There may be some misinformation regarding norm-referenced tests; however, the following is true of norm-referenced achievement tests:

The goal of norm-referenced tests is to determine a test-taker's performance compared to a predetermined peer group Results determine what a student knows as an individual but also compared to a group Scores are distributed on a bell curve. The following is a norm-referenced test list:

·         SAT 

·         PSAT

·         ACT

·         IQ Tests

Criterion-Referenced Tests 

Criterion-referenced tests measure the number of correct responses based on a specific, often minimum ‘criterion’ of what is expected to pass the exam. Often, the criteria is what determines acceptable achievement or mastery of skill. A criterion-referenced test score may be expressed in a percentage correct out of the total. Criterion-referenced tests measure individual performance to determine mastery of content or whether or not they mastered specific skills.

The following are examples of criterion referenced tests:

·         Pass/Fail semester exam

·         End-of-Unit Exam

·         Driver’s Education Test

Norm-Referenced vs. Criterion-Referenced Tests

The two types of tests each serve a different purpose, and the scores are used differently. Schools and teachers may use norm-referenced test scores to rank student achievement across broad areas of knowledge. Another example of a norm-referenced score is a growth chart. Just as test scores, growth points are ranked in comparison to others in the same age group.

On the contrary, criterion-referenced scores may be used to determine if a student has mastered specific skills or concepts in specific areas of study. The example of driver’s education exam illustrates this concept. Test takers are not ranked by performance on the driver’s education exam. Instead they either pass or fail depending if they met the preset criteria.


DEMONSTRATION SKILL (what is demonstration)

DEMONSTRATION SKILL (what is demonstration)

When we go in class it is not possible the whole teaching process can not done through verbal form, for making clear sense of objects teacher need to do some activity, he/she takes the help of demonstration skill. In science, mathematics and in many more demonstration is an important part. The word demonstration means to perform a particular activity or concept in the classroom. In demonstration method, the teaching-learning process is carried in a organized and systematic way. Demonstration often occurs when students feel difficulty in grabbing knowledge and have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when students are capable to understand the real life uses of theories. 
For an effective demonstration during teaching following things are necessary-
  • During the time of demonstration the teacher should be very clear about what he is going to demonstrate and the object being displayed during demonstration should not be so simple and small.
  • The clear voice of teacher and a fine language which is easily understandable.
  • There should be limit demo while demonstration and should be related to student’s view points.
  • The pupils should be allowed to ask question to teachers in order to remove their problems.


Characteristic of demonstration method

  • The demonstration should be done in a very simple and easy way.
  • In this strategy, attention is paid to all students. All the students should be focused in demonstration.
  • The objects should be very clear and pre-planned.
  • It is very systematic and organized.
  • There should be involved a few no. of students who do demonstration in order to create some interest towards topic.
What are the components of demonstration skill?

Componants of demonstration skill

  1. Relevancy with the content
  2. Pupil Participation
  3. Handling of Equipments and Materials
  4. Appropriateness of the Demonstration
  5. Visibility of the Demonstration work
  6. Emphasizing Cause-effect relationship
  7. Capability of Drawing Results

What are the steps of demonstration? There are following important steps of demonstration process.


Proper planning is required for good demonstration. Before teaching the teacher must have a proper planning for the demonstration. For this following points should be kept in mind. Teacher should be fully known about the topic, and about the preparation of subject matter.Teacher must plan everything before going to teaching.Best and special collection of material related to the demonstration.
Best practice and rehearsal of demonstration.The plan for execution should be kept in the mind of teacher.In order to ensure the success of demonstration, the teacher should prepare lesson minutely and very seriously.

Introduction of demo

First of all teacher must create an environment for the students so that they could be ready for teaching learning process. The teacher should motivate students and prepare them mentally for the demonstration.
During the introduction of the lesson the teacher must remember the following things-
  • Individual differences
  • Environment
  • Experiences
  • Previous knowledge 
  • Standard of the student
  • The social background of the child 
  • The usability of the demo which should be related to the child’s daily life
The lesson can also be started with some simple activity and an interesting experiment and some common stories too. The starting should be attention seeking of class so that the students can get the full benefits of the demonstration. Well the introduction may attract all the students for the further teaching 


During the presentation the teacher must keep in the mind the previous knowledge of students so that he can relate it to new learning. Presentation should be very effective an in a systematic way so that the students do not get confused. 


During this step the teacher is very important because he/she is the mean hero while demonstrating in the class. Teacher should be very confident and so active that he can provide a true knowledge to student, he must remember the objectives of the teaching (demonstration).

TLM (teaching material)

The teaching aids are important while teaching in a class, therefore teacher always use some special learning material while demonstrating. Teacher use various type of learning of learning objects like charts, models, models, and some working models too.


In this process teacher try to know the outcomes of the teaching and the shortcomings also be known in such order that they are not repeated in the future. This last step is very important for making teaching learning process effective and then the learning rate will be high. 

see also (levels of teaching)

Merits of demonstration method

  • It helps a student in having a deeper understanding of the topic.
  • It helps students remain active in teaching -learning process.
  • It leads to permanent learning.
  • It accounts for the principles of reflective thinking.
  • It helps to create interest for topics among students.
  • It helps in arousing the spirit of discovery among students.
  • It imparts maximum learning to students.


  • Students can not benefit with direct and personal experiences as teacher carry out the demonstration.
  • It can be costly as it requires costly materials.
  • It can be a time-consuming method.
  • It is not based on learning by doing. the scientific method.
  • There is a lack of experienced teachers to carry out the demonstration.


This is very effective way of teaching while teaching some higher students too but it is the most suitable method for teaching the secondary classes. It takes some time to arrange a demo teaching in such case if a teacher feels that the demonstration is taking much time than he would have to take the help of students. Similarly, a small group of students can be invited to the demonstration table. By doing this student also learn how to share knowledge with other students with the help of a group instead of being in a group. This method also develops a skill of working in group Students can also demonstrate the experiment. This might help in removing objection regarding non-availability of learning by doing approach.

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REINFORCEMENT SKILL(Reinforcement, what is reinforcement? why reinforce in teaching learning process?)

Reinforcement, what is reinforcement? why reinforce in teaching learning process?Microteaching


The term reinforcement refers to the events or stimulus that increases the possibility of response. The reinforcement has a great impact in the teaching learning process, its a kind of reward that a teacher give to his/her student for a particular type of event or response during the class teaching. This is an art or skill we can say for a teacher that how he/she use the reinforcement during the course of his/her teaching. This teaching skill can be very effective to control and to teach a class if the students are little bit careless. We must remember one thing that we all are rewarded for what we do in our daily routine , and we also expect that reward get similarly it is equally important for teaching learning process Reinforcement will increase or strengthen the response.
 For example: when we praise a child for helping clean up the toys, they're likely to continue helping clean up in the future, further if we want more from the child we can ask him to do so in return to some reward, he/she will show the response in repeated manner. When we offer a treat to a dog during training, they're likely to repeat the behavior we're teaching them in the future. In an active classroom teacher treats students as per their responses, if they shows good response then teacher will reward them and if the students shows the undesired response then the teacher will remove that response with the appropriate reinforcement. 
Reinforcement doesn’t mean that teacher should give the reward for a good response and for a bad one he/she should beat them but it is all about to increase the correct and desirable responses in students, if the student is not giving the proper response then the teacher should know his/her problem instead of scolding him of beating him. Once the teacher is able to know the problem of the student then he/she can treat the child properly. So this is all about how a teacher designs the responses of a child by the help of reinforcement. It’s been discussed in most of the psychological theories the reinforcement increases the responses. So the stimulus or events which increases the response of the students known as reinforcement. 
For a teacher it is very obvious that he/she gives the reinforcement for each and every response of child when needed which in turn increase the rate of responses. In the 1920s Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov may have been the first to use the word reinforcement with respect to behavior, but (according to Dinsmoor) he used its approximate Russian cognate sparingly, and even then it referred to strengthening an already-learned but weakening response. Later on the father of operant conditioning B.F Skinner introduced the term reinforcement to the law of effect. The principle is that for every pleasant consequences the behavior is likely to be repeated.
Why reinforcement?
  1. To increase participation of students.
  2. To motivate students.
  3. To improve the behaviour of kids.
  4. To increase the positive responses. 

How it is differ from Feedback?

However some people treat both reinforcement and feedback equally during teaching but there is slight difference between them. These both terms are so important for a teacher with the help of them a teacher try to understand the learning rate in students. The difference between them can be understand with the help of following points-
Reinforcement increases the possibility of responses while the feedback changes the behaviour of the kids.
Reinforcement is psychological concept while feedback is originated from physical sciences and machines.
Reinforcement improves the learning process and make it effective while feedback develops and improves the behaviour.
What are the components of reinforcement skill?



  1. The use of agreeable statements
  2. The appreciation of student's suggestion
  3. Encouragement of students 
  4. The use of proper gestures and non- verbal symbols
  5. To write student's answer on board 
  6. The use of negative verbal statements
  7. The use of negative non-verbal statements
  8. Proper use of reinforcement
  9. Reinforcement for all
  10. Newness in statements used  in reinforcement

Reinforcement in teaching, why it is important?
All those stimulus, statements and events used or presented which increase the possibility of student's responses. For example to praise a child, saying good , very good, bravo, etc develops a good feeling in student so that the child will participate more and more in class activity, in such case praising the child is a stimulus which increasing child's responses. The proper reinforcement motivates the students and develops good habits in them, makes teaching effective, enjoyable and stress free too. The environment that teacher creates while teaching is very important and reinforcement makes it so effective for students.

see all posts here


 Skill of explanation-

This is one of the important skill a teacher must have. Skill of explanation simply means that how  a teacher makes a complex topic simpler so that the students can grab that topic without any trouble, every teacher uses this skill in the classroom. The skill of explanation is very important for all the subjects. Without the use of this skill an effective presentation is not possible. This is sometimes considered as the result of teacher's capability, how he/she can make so effective learning material, so much examples, different demos, dramas, various meanings, connecting statements all these are used by a teacher while explaining.There is an absolute connection between statements which clarify the exact meaning of the topic, if a single word of that is removed then it becomes meaningless and tough too.
Teaching is not just transferring knowledge to others, and this don't estimate the quality of a teacher but it depends on how much the student understand by his/her teaching. For an effective teaching learning process, a teacher must have the skill of explanation.
For good explanation teacher try to approach a lot of tactics in order to make a complex topic easy so that the student can grab the knowledge properly. Some of the basic teaching maxims which are used during the explanation can contribute a great difference., these teaching helps a teacher during explanation of a difficult topic. These useful maxims are as following-

 Teaching Maxims-

These are fundamental facts observed and result out by the teacher on the basis of his/her own experience. The knowledge of different maxims helps the teacher to proceed through a more professional and in a systematic way. This estimates the real meaning of teaching. The different maxims of teaching helps a teacher while explaining-

Known to Unknown-

This maxim is based on the fact that the student knows something and have some previous knowledge about the topic being taught. Teacher must have the that feeling what student knows previously. The teacher tries to  interpret all new concept or new knowledge in terms of the previous. For example, if the teacher wants to teach how to ride a bike then he/she must include the term cycling, so while teaching, teacher must start with the previous knowledge and should link it with the new knowledge. 

Simple to Complex-

Simple is good and easy to obtain and complex is tough to  grab, when teacher tries to explain something in Class-room eh/she must see the simple one first then should go through the complex one. In doing so the student will understand clearly the complex one too. Teaching is formal where the teacher tries to teach and the students try to learn things. In doing so students shows more interest in the teaching learning process. Once they shows some interest in the class then it is very easy to give the knowledge of the complex concepts.This makes the huge difference in the learning rate of the students. By learning simple things, they feel encouraged and they also gain confidence. This is one of the maxim that makes students so active and joyful. On the other hand, if complex types of things are presented to the learner first, students feels some burden on them, they becomes upset, feels bored and finds himself in a challenging or difficult situation lot which they are not yet ready being immature and unripe. Gradually more difficult items of learning may be presented to the students. It will soften teaching being done by the teacher or guide and make learning easy, convenient and interesting for the learners.

Concrete to Abstract-

Concrete things are solid things and they can be touched with five senses. But abstract things can only be imagined. All those things which we can see and  touch are concrete or simply means which is in front of us while abstract things are untouched and we can only feel them. So it is rather difficult to teach children about abstract things because the students are likely to forget them soon or can't remember properly. On the other hand, concrete things, if we teach the students with the help of concrete objects, they will never forget the subject matter and the knowledge will be stable  or durable. 
According to  Froebel
“Our lessons ought to start in the concrete and end in the abstract”. For example when we teach the solar system, we first visualize the sun through our senses and gives the concept of eight planets, galaxies, meteorites etc. Through this process, the learners understand the materials more easily. Some power of imagination also develops in them .But if we reverse the situation, it will become difficult for learners to understand anything. Another example, when we teach counting to the students we should first take the help of concrete objects like beads, stones etc. and then proceed to digits and numbers"

Whole to Part.

In teaching, the teacher should try to acquaint the child with the whole thing first and then the different parts of it may be analyzed and studied intensively. This principle holds good while teaching a thing to the small children or kids. At the early stages, the child loves to speak and rote the whole content by heart or full sentences because in daily life situations, full sentences are used so the child should be given a full sentence. Then he/she may have full familiarity with the different words, phrases contained in that sentence, later he may have the knowledge of words. then he will have the knowledge of different letters constructing the words.
Suppose parts of a plant is to be taught to the students. They should be acquainted with the whole plant first. Gradually they may be asked to grasp the parts of it one by one, in the case of average students, their first attempt may be on whole plant, taking it as a whole and then to the different parts in the plant. It will help the teacher to teach better and the learners to learn things conveniently. 
What are the components of explanation skill? 

6 Components of Explanation Skill

  1. Coordination in statements
  2. lack of irrelevant statements
  3. Fluency in language
  4. Connecting links
  5. Clear beginning statements
  6. Use of proper words

Coordination in statements-

The statements used by a teacher while explaining should be coordinated because the explanation becomes meaningless once the coordination is lost between words and sentences, and so the students are misinterpreted.

Lack of irrelevant statements-

All the statements should be related to one another while explaining, because there is no use of irrelevant statements in the teaching as it takes much time and mislead the students as well.

Fluency in language-

During the teaching learning process the teacher should have the language fluency, it should be audible, clear, and sound with the proper pause in teaching so that the student can hear properly.

Connecting links-

Connecting links are very important while explaining, most of the teacher uses proper examples, idioms, phrases and statements for the effective explanation.

Clear beginning statements-

It is very important to share the idea about what to teach in the class and it should be very clear to the students so that they becomes ready to learn something in the class. 

Use of proper words-

Teacher must use proper words and sentences in order to make no mistake while explaining, these proper words leads a good explanation which is easy to understand and more convenient for the students. There should not be any unwanted sentences while teaching.
Read more-at onlybachelors

Probing Skills for Tutors and Teachers

Skill of Probing Questions 


It is very important for a teacher to ask questions during teaching in order to increase the thinking capability in students. probing is one of the best skill which helps students to solve the problems with the help of a teacher. These are the set of some ques and hint in the form of questions which a teacher ask during teaching for seeking further information, this may increase the thinking capability of students so that they can think in multiple fronts. This skill is very helpful when student go through deeply in order to have multiple answer, sometimes this is used for involving all students if they showing a bit less interest in the teaching learning process.
Why Probing?
  • In case of when students are unable to give the answer or give incomplete answer, teacher use probing skill for ques.
  • For seeking further information.
  • For gaining student's attention in the teaching learning process and we call it re-focussing.
  • If the teacher want to give the knowledge of all aspects of the problem  to students, then the teacher ask the similar question in different manner. We can call it re-directing.
  • For improving the student's thinking ability, for that teacher asks why? and how? type questions. This is called as Critical Awareness.

Components of Probing Skill

  1. Prompting 
  2. Seeking Further Information
  3. Re-focussing 
  4. Re-direction 
  5. Critical awareness 


Prompting mostly involves verbal ques, visual ques, through model, gestures and some physical guidance. In order to help the student to know the answer teacher gives some indication.

Seeking Further Information

most of the time student don't give the proper and accurate answer then teacher asks the same question to other students in order to get the correct answers. Teacher asks different aspects about the question in order to seek further information, this also may check the student's knowledge.


If the teacher is not satisfied with the answer of student then the teacher puts different situations in front of the students which help them in transfer of knowledge of the student.


Teacher try to know the multiple answer of the question in order to make student to think again and again. This will increase the thinking ability of the student, and this may increase the participation of the students in the class too. 

Critical awareness 

If teacher asks why?, how?, type of questions then it is called as Critical Awareness. This increase critical awareness among students and finally they will understand the nature of the questions.

Microteaching-skill of introduction or set induction and its components(प्रस्तावना कौशल)

Meaning of set induction

Skill of Set Induction is also known as Skill of Introduction. It is related to the begining of class teaching. If the begining of class teaching is effective then the outcomes of teaching learning process can be estimated very clearly. In this Skill teacher and is very active and creative, teacher have to grab the student's attention in teaching learning process, he/she create such an environment that the they can start the lesson very effectively. For set Induction teacher ask a set of question to students related to their previous knowledge in order to come with the teaching topic. Questions are designed in such a way that the maximum students can response to them. This makes students active in class and their interest can be seen by the begining of the class. Teachers uses lots of tricks and tactics for starting the lesson in the class. The techniques are related to a number of components or the introductory questions are related to its components which are as following-

Set Induction-Its Components (प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व)

प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व (Previous knowledge)

During setting the introductory questions teacher should take care of the previous knowledge of students. These questions are very important for starting a new lesson among students. Sometimes teacher starts with showing some objects related to the topic and sometimes asks questions related to previous knowledge. The questions should be designed in such a way that maximum student know the answer of them and questions must be interesting so the students give the attention in class.

प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व (Proper Sequencing)

The ideas , questions and statements which are made for starting the lesson must have the coordination otherwise students can be miss leaded in the classroom. Questions should be arranged in proper sequencing.

प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व (Objectives and teaching Aids) 

Teaching Objectives are very important, the TLM or teaching Aids are designed in order to create interest in classroom teaching so that the students keep attention in class. The TLM is always related to the teaching objectives which are previously set. Now-a-days very creative TLM are being used by teacher for classroom teaching, in doing so all student will keep attention in class and the rate of learning will be enhanced. Attractive teaching aids always works well and develops creativity in students. By the use of TLM or teaching aids students do not feel monotonous, they learn with joy and motivation.

प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व (Relationship between Content's Statements and Objectives)

This is very important for a teacher that their should be a relation between his statement and teaching objectives otherwise students can not make any judgement about teaching topic. One more thing the teacher's statement must be related to objectives otherwise the teaching topic will not come out properly among students.

प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व (Duration of Introduction)

The duration of introduction must not be too short and too long, it must be in such way that the students take interest and get motivated enough so that a teacher can start the lesson.

प्रस्तावना कौशल के तत्व (Capability of creating Interest and Motivation)

The teacher must have the capability of creating Interest and motivation among students, in short teacher must be a good motivator too.This is very important point for pupil teacher who are under training, during teaching  motivation and  good classroom environment can enhance the rate of learning, this is because students get motivated and then participate in teaching learning process.

Teaching skills( What are the teaching skills that a teacher should have during classroom teaching?)

Teaching skill

During the classroom teaching a teacher should have fine teaching skills. Teaching skills are mainly techniques which is used by a teacher in the classroom so that he/she can command over the class. These are basically planned previously by the teacher before going for teaching, skill can be mastered by practicing and understanding of the class whatever it is. As we know that teaching is a purposeful process in which teacher and students are very active or say they are living while the important element  'curriculum ' is passive or say non-living. The curriculum leads an interaction between student and teacher. In the teaching process student, teacher and curriculum are important element, they are enough for the significant teaching-learning process. 

According to Burton-

"Teaching to the stimulation, guidance and direction and encouragement of learning"

Teaching skill is the process in which a teacher plans everything orally, written, and by the use of black-board. The way he/she teaches actually depends upon the teaching skill whatever is being used. Teacher asks question in the classroom, gives examples, gives demonstrations, do experiments, explains tough topics, stimulates students, gives ques to students, symbolize things, use gesture and posture with proper attitudes, gives reinforcement to students according to their responses, plays roles sometimes, sometimes he/she takes proper silence in the class which have the great significance as well. All these activities are performed by a teacher in the classroom in a systematic and planned way. So the inclusion of all these activities in set which actually improves the teaching are called as Teaching skill.

Characteristics of effective teaching skills

  • It can be developed individually.
  • It is related to the unit plans of teaching behavioirs.
  • They make teaching meaningful and effective.
  • They are helpful in obtaining teaching objectives (specific objectives).
  • Makes the class active and change the behaviours of students.
  • It is very simple way to present the topic in the class, and the rate of learning is enhanced.
  • It is related to teaching process and behaviours.


"According to B.K.Passi- It is a set of activities or behaviours in order to facilitate the learning and learning outcomes".

"According to M.K.Passi- Teaching skills are specific instructions which is used by a teacher. It is in teaching related to different activities which are continuously used by the teacher in classroom interactions".

List of the teaching Skills 
There are 14  Teaching Skill given by Stan Ford University which are as follows-

  1. Set Induction
  2. Fluency in Questioning 
  3. Stimulate Variations
  4. Silence and Non-verbal Ques 
  5. Reinforcement Pupil participation
  6. Probing Questions 
  7. Higher Order Questions 
  8. Divergent Questions
  9. Illustrations and Use of Explanations 
  10. Lecturing
  11. Planned Repetition
  12. Completeness of Communicate 
  13. Recognising Behaviour 
  14. Closure 

Indian educationist B.k.Passi in 1975 listed 13 Teaching Skills which are as following-

  1. Writing Instructional objectives 
  2. Introduction of lesson Plan
  3. Fluency of Questions
  4. Probing Questions
  5. Explaining 
  6. Illustrating
  7. Stimulus-variation
  8. Silence and Non-verbal Cues
  9. Reinforcement
  10. Increasing students Participation
  11. Use of Black-board
  12. Achieving Closure
  13. Attending Behaviour of students

The above teaching skills are very important for a teacher while going to teach. The best part about these skill is they are all pre-planned and arranged well so that the classroom teaching becomes meaningful, these are techniques which helps a teacher to activate students in the classroom. They are important in creating classroom environment, the use of them makes a joyful class  and effective teaching. 

Importance of effective Teaching skill-

While talking about teaching skills, it is necessary to discuss its importance. Teaching skills are the main factors of a teacher, it defines teacher's activity in class. They make an understanding about what to teach and how to teach. These skills are helpful in creating an effective environment so that students can grab the knowledge. Without teaching skill the teaching will be monotonous and students will not take part in teaching-learning process, if they don't feel good during class then its meaningless to teach them. Now-a-days activity based teaching is being done because students is everything in classroom, everything is for students so they must be active at the time of teaching.

Activity based learning
Activity based learning

Most of the time students don't focus in class, in such case teacher must involve him in all activities and make them to be participated. 

Improve Participation

The response of students plays very crucial role in classroom teaching, by the help of student's responses a teacher decides the outcomes of the teaching.  



Levels of teaching

Levels of teaching are very important in deciding the teaching- learning strategies and it helps a teacher to understand the level of teaching activity. Teaching-learning processes are mainly for students and to make understanding of the related topic wherever is being taught in the class . It is important for a teacher to understand the level of students thus he/she can teach as per their standard in order to deliver a significant knowledge. Therefore a teacher must have understanding about at what level he/she is teaching, it also helps him/her to fulfill instructional objective. Levels of teaching are categorized as following-

  • Memory level of teaching
  • Understanding level of teaching
  • Reflective level of teaching



  • Developed by Herbert
  • Initial stage of learning
  • Influenced by rote learning
  • Based on stimulus response
  • It is all about to retain learning and rapid learning
  • Stability in learning is important for child (this level retain this for sure)
  • Evaluation is mainly done by orally, written and by essay type question.


  • Developed by Morrison
  • Include theory understanding
  • Generalization
  • Learning by insight
  • Includes memory+insight(understanding)
  • The understanding capabilities are developed of a student
  • Assimilation of knowledge is important
  • Evaluation is done by short-answer-type-questions and by essay type questions and sometimes objective type questions are also asked to built the understanding of students

  • Developed by Hunt
  • It is the highest level of teaching and based on memory level and understanding level
  • It is a problem centric approach
  • It follows an open and independent classroom environment which is very important for idea to come in the minds of students
  • Students can develop their own point of view through this level if they are active in the classroom
  • Mastery of subject is done by this level
  • Develop a deep understanding of theory, facts and any ideas
  • Students also develop the application of their knowledge to outer life
  • Evaluation is done by the essay type question, open ideas ,participation and sometimes by the attitude and beliefs of students
  • Teaching process follow the curriculum
  • Students are at primary level and while teacher is at second level.

Evaluation of Lesson Plan


Evaluation is very important aspect of teaching learning process, the extent of outcome of teaching learning process is greatly dependent on the evaluation of lesson plan. As being a pupil teacher it is important to evaluate the teaching activities whatever is included in the lesson plan. It's a great responsibility for a teacher to set the draft of evaluation. following are the few points that have the influence in the classroom outcome.

Personality of a teacher-

This is the most important aspect that a teacher want to have now days. It's a style we can call, a teacher teaches in his/her on style that actually affects his/her teaching. Following are the points which makes a teacher effective-

1. Dressing up


2. Langauge

It is very important that a teacher must have linguistic skill, therefore he/she can teach well in the classroom. The more effective language skill means greater skill of teaching.


Every student learn from his/her teacher, or we can say he/she try to copy the teachers style somehow, in such case teacher must have good manners. Following are the points which indicate the good manners too-

  • Happy nature 
  • Frank nature
  • Acceptance
  • Cooperation/ Support/ Helping nature
  • Kind and Positive nature
  • Honesty

4. Attitude towards student

Attitude is very important when you are a teacherIt affects your students in many ways and can shape their learning experience.

Marsh makes a good point when she talks about how intuitive students can be. ... “Students can do and  feel teacher's moods and attitudes.”

Objectives of lesson plan

  • Clarification of specific objectives

  • Presentation of lesson plan

  • Achieving the teaching objectives and suggestions 

Introduction of lesson

  • Lesson start

  • Relation to previous knowledge

  • Student motivation and Interest

  • Suggestions


  • Quality of lesson

  • Quantity of lesson

  • Arrangement

  • Use of examples

  • Use of Questioning technique

  • Comments on wrong answers

  • TLM and other specific materials

  • Teaching methods Motivation

Black-Bord Work

  • Arrangement of content over black bord

  • Writing

  • Size and shape of letters

  • Diagrams 

Support system

  • Teacher-student Interaction

  • Tools, Apparatus


  • Relation to Other subjects

  • Previous knowledge

  • Use of environment


  • Suggestions for revising the lesson


  • The use of obtained knowledge in other situations.


  • Seating arrangement of student and their postures

  • Students behaviour, habits

  • Class and neatness of classroom

  • Proper environment



Skill of Reinforcement Introduction If the teacher is encouraging students with statements like good, that’s very good, good job, excell...