Skill of Reinforcement


If the teacher is encouraging students with statements like good, that’s very good, good job, excellent then it is called reinforcement, it may be verbal and non-verbal. A classroom is always full of individual differences and instead of that every child needs social approval of his behavior. Just to satisfy the need they are always eager to answer each question known to him.  If a teacher is encouraging students by statements like good, that’s very good, good job, excellent and certain non-verbal expressions, such as smiling, nodding the head and paying attention to the responding student, in doing so the participation of student in the class is maximized. Statements like good, very good, excellent, and good job are reinforcement.

Objectives of reinforcement skills

  • To attract students and retain attention
  • To encourage pupil for +Ve behavior
  • To discourage pupils for -Ve behavior 
  • To increase pupils' confidence 

Components of the skill

1. Positive Reinforcement

  1. A dog trainer giving a dog a biscuit when she performs a trick.
  2. A father providing his child with a piece of candy for picking up his toys.
  3. A teacher handing out gold stars to children that turn in their homework on time.
  4. A babysitter telling her charge “Great job!” when he puts away the dishes.
  5. A boss is offering her employee a raise when he goes above and beyond on a project.

2. Positive non-verbal reinforcement

  1. gesture-posture 
  2. Body Language
  3. Eye Contact
  4. smiling
  5. approval of answer
  6. shaking head with a smile

3. Negative Reinforcement

The removal of undesirable situations and negative reinforcement is a term described by B. F. Skinner in his theory of operant conditioning. In negative reinforcement, a response or behavior is strengthened by stopping, removing, or avoiding a negative outcome or aversive stimulus. Aversive stimuli tend to involve some type of discomfort, either physical or psychological.

Note: "negative reinforcement is not a punishment"

4. Negative non-verbal enforcement

  1. Gesture-posture 
  2. Body Language
  3. Eye Contact
  4. Disapproval of answer
  5. shaking head for No

5. Wrong use of reinforcement

Sometimes reinforcement is given in a wrong timing therefore a teacher always has a good knowledge of how to give reinforcement? He/she must have the proper knowledge of giving reinforcement.

6. Inappropriate use of reinforcement 

Improper way of reinforcement.

See More
Skill of Explanation
Teaching Skills
Demonstration Skill

Reinforcement skills 
For example: when we praise a child for helping clean up the toys, they're likely to continue helping clean up in the future,


Skill of Reinforcement Introduction If the teacher is encouraging students with statements like good, that’s very good, good job, excell...